
Meet us on Euro PM2023 in Lisbon

From 1 – 4 Octo­ber 2023 the Euro PM2023 Con­gress & Exhi­bi­tion will be taking place in Lis­bon, Por­tu­gal. Oster­wal­der will be an exhi­bi­tor and show­ing you our newest solu­ti­ons for PM-Indus­try. Our experts onsite are glad to dis­cuss with you. 

The Euro PM2023 will fea­ture a world class tech­ni­cal pro­gramme as well as a 3000m2 exhi­bi­tion show­ca­sing the latest deve­lo­p­ments from the glo­bal PM Sup­ply Chain, along­side social events such as the wel­come recep­tion and gala din­ner, pro­vi­ding excel­lent net­wor­king oppor­tu­ni­ties within the PM Industry.

This Euro­pean renow­ned event will attract indus­try lea­ders, decis­ion-makers, respec­ted aca­de­mics and PM rela­ted com­pa­nies and per­son­nel from across the sup­ply chain.

